Up on the Roof: Asphalt Shingles (BSS19_24)
Course Description:
This course provides an extensive review of how the principles of cool roofing are applied in the design of a new or renovated building. The following key areas are reviewed: energy efficiency, green roofing, heat island affect; materials, durability, recycling, and interiors; indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), ventilation and air quality systems.
An additional feature of the course is to provide relevant LEED® credit information along with the review described above. While not a substitute for a LEED rating guide as far as points, mandatory requirements, and options are concerned, the learner will find that encountering LEED credit information in a practical context is helpful both for initial learning and for quiz review purposes.
Learning Objectives:
- Compare the key components within an asphalt shingle that contribute to solar reflectance to reduce the heat island affect.
- Discover how to ventilate roofing systems properly in order to reduce energy consumption within the building and increase indoor air quality.
- Discover how the recycling of asphalt shingles contribute to a sustainable environment.
- Discuss the benefits of Energy Star rated roofing products and their contribution to sustainability.
- Discover the benefit of solar reflectance and its contribution to: keeping buildings cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, reduces the amount of electrical energy consumed, and reduces the production of air pollutants and electricity generation.
1 AIA ( HSW) |
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